Coaching & Consulting

Creating Sovereignty and Consciousness
A comprehensive intuitive coaching program for entrepreneurs, executives, and other leaders who want accelerated personal and business transformation using conscious leadership strategies with high impact.
The process includes empowering leaders with conscious leadership principles and skills, and developing higher consciousness as a foundation for sovereignty.
This intuitive coaching model helps clients identify key intentions, strategies for implementation, and releases all obstacles interfering with attaining pre-determined outcomes.
It also develops higher-level thinking and creates a new personal energetic footprint for optimal expansion.
Creating Sovereignty is coached by Nancy Clairmont Carr in one-to-one virtual sessions and will empower you to:
- Access intuitive thinking as a key leadership skill
- Develop abundance beliefs, expectations and strategies
- Build increased business profitability, expansion and impact
- Release limitations and restrictive brain patterns for creative decision making
- Create optimal physical, mental and emotional health and vitality living your purpose with sustainable energy and high performance
This fast-paced intuitive coaching provides additional support between sessions to facilitate the accelerated outcome of Belief Reprogramming with VIP access to Nancy, Energetic Support, and Intuitively-Guided Solutions.
NeuroCardio Express
This Joy-Effect program is for entrepreneurs, executives and professional leaders who want to grow their business and impact at an accelerated pace, with continuous higher consciousness development.
NeuroCardio Express will support personal transformation by replacing limiting beliefs, fears and other success interference with higher-level thinking, mindset optimization, and heart connection. It will empower you to manifest your intentions consciously and create predictable outcomes to ensure you create the business and lifestyle you desire.
This program:
- Provides mindset shifts necessary for creating exponential growth in revenue and impact.
- Is an excellent strategy for developing conscious leadership, receiving energetic healing and ongoing support without the one-to-one sessions.
- Develops higher consciousness, the currency required in this new era of dynamic change.
- Can be used for supplementing your regular Joy-Effect coaching sessions when you don’t have time for a full one-to-one session.
NeuroCardio Express develops higher-level thinking and feeling states for increased discernment and stronger relational connections. It is coached by Nancy Clairmont Carr and is a transformational strategy for developing conscious leadership and sovereignty.
How it works:
1. After purchasing the program, you will be asked to submit your key intentions. You can identify any area of your life and business that needs help, as all of them are connected and impact the whole.
2. You will receive an intuitive energetic healing session to clear fears, limiting beliefs and other mindset and energy pattern interferences, and bring in upgrades to support your intentions.
3. An intuitively recommended playlist of healing audios will be created for you that develops higher-level thinking and feeling states, along with clear instructions on how to access and use them. Implementing this playlist ensures accelerated transformation and vibrational increases.
4. This process will be completed without your presence, and the notes will be sent to you within three days of receiving your intentions.
Optimal results will be achieved with consistent
use of NeuroCardio Express.

NeuroCardio Breakthrough
NeuroCardio Breakthrough is a mini version of NeuroCardio Express. It provides the same benefits of accelerating the pace of transformation and providing energetic support for higher consciousness development and increased growth and impact.
It is designed for Joy-Effect clients who want:
- Energetic healing support for removing fears, limiting beliefs and other interference to success
- A template for developing higher consciousness
- A time and budget-saving option for transformational support
NeuroCardio Breakthrough offers an intuitive evaluation of your intentions and a recommended playlist of energetic healing audios to develop optimal higher-level thinking, belief and energetic repatterning, and heart connection, along with instructions on implementation.
Benefits for Joy-Effect clients
- This is an excellent strategy for clients in The Joy-Effect’s Creating Sovereignty and Consciousness 1 to 1 coaching program who may not have time for a full session, but want updated intentions and recommended healing audio playlist to support them.
- This program empowers a new client to begin their journey into higher consciousness with guidance to ensure they are on an optimal path.
- The process is completed without your presence, usually within 3 business days after receiving a list of your key intentions.
- New NeuroCardio Breakthough clients would need a one-time full energetic healing session before proceeding, which could be done with NeuroCardio Express through Nancy Clairmont Carr.
This offering can be a main strategy for personal transformation, or as additional support for current Joy-Effect clients. However, exponential growth in consciousness, revenue and impact will be achieved with consistent use of NueroCardio Breakthrough, along with other Joy-Effect programs.
As always if you have not had an opportunity to meet with Nancy Clairmont Carr to discuss which Joy-Effect program is the best fit for you, schedule a free consult here.
"You can create what you want with higher consciousness and inspired guidance."
— Nancy Clairmont Carr