
The Joy-Effect offers a variety of individual and group coaching and consulting programs, workshops, masterclasses, membership, online courses, practitioner trainings, books and recording trainings available for purchase.

The Joy-Effect Programs

Conscious Leadership Transforms: Business Acceleration Blueprint 

Principles of Creating Unlimited Growth and Impact - Coaching Session and Online program

Available Now

Course: $1,749

Expand Your Business With Sovereignty

Conscious Leadership Transforms Workshop

Growth Through Conscious Leadership Principles

October, 2025

Live Workshop: $1,799

Transformation Blueprint Coaching Seven Principles of Evolution and Manifesting-Online Program with Coaching logo

Conscious Leadership Transforms Template

Principles for Creating Unlimited Growth and Impact

Available Now

Online Course: $1,299

Quantum Acceleration Blueprint With Consciousness

School for higher consciousness classes

Intuitive Development I

Connect to Your Inner Guidance - Develop Your Intuition

Class & Materials: $400

Lotus flower candle

Intuitive Development II

Expanding Your Connection - Deepen Your Intuition

Prerequisite to register: Intuitive Development I – Develop Your Intuition

Class & Materials: $500

image of a votive candle on a floor

Creating Sacred Spaces

For Protection in All Environments

Prerequisite to register: Intuitive Development I and II

Class & Materials: $225

White star of david in a living room

Disconnection from The Collective Shadow/Cellular Activation

Deactivate the Lower Collective Consciousness

Prerequisite to register: Intuitive Development I & II, and Creating Sacred Spaces

Course & Materials: $550

Image of a glass sphere on a rock near a body of water

Ancestral and Other Lifetimes Healing Techniques

Transformative Energetic Healing

Prerequisite to register: Intuitive Development I & II, Creating Sacred Spaces; Level II Disconnection from the Collective Shadow and Cellular Activation

Course & Materials: $950; 5 Audios at $10 each (sold separately)

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Elevate Your Practice

Prerequisite to register: Completing Intuitive Development I and II, Disconnection from the Collective Shadow/Cellular Activation (DCS/CA) and Ancestral & Other Lifetimes (AOL)

8 Sessions: $800

Image of birds flying

Advanced Energetic Healing Program 1

Raise Your Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness!

Prerequisites to register: Completion of Level 1 and Level 2 Courses

Course & Materials: $1,750; 9 Energetic Healing Audios $10 each (sold separately)

Level 3 - Advanced Energetic Healing Program

Advanced Energetic Healing Program 2

Integrate with Experiential Understanding

Prerequisites to register: Completion of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 - Advanced Energetic Healing Level I

Course & Materials: $1,550; 12 Energetic Audios $10 each (sold separately)

Advanced Energetic Healing Program 2

Advanced Energetic Healing Program 3

Master Your Techniques

Prerequisites to register: Completion of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 - Advanced Energetic Healing Level 1 & 2

Course & Materials: $1,150; 8 Energetic Audios $10 each (sold separately)

Advanced Energetic Healing Program 3

SHC Elective: Conscious Leadership Transforms Workshop

Growth Through Conscious Leadership Principles

Live Workshop: $1,299

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Brilliant Breakthroughs

for the Small Business Owner

Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business (Vol 2)

Are you ready to create different results for your Small Business? Implement what’s in our #1 Bestselling Book.

Brilliant Breakthroughs for the small business owner book cover

"Higher Consciousness Creates Higher Productivity"

Available in Kindle and Paperback formats.

Aligned For Higher Consciousness

This e-book shares strategies to optimize physical, mental and emotional health. When we are aligned, we improve our thinking, feel more confident, our intuition becomes stronger, and we develop more optimal solutions. It helps us develop higher consciousness. This ebook will help you with foundational work to increase your consciousness.

Book: $14.99