Groups & Workshops

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Business Growth Acceleration Mastermind

Higher Consciousness For Optimal Outcomes 

Are you looking for exponential business growth and impact while transforming with a group of seasoned business leaders?

Business Growth Acceleration Mastermind is a 12-month coaching program that includes both group mastermind and individual coaching sessions.

It is structured for business owners, executives, and other professionals who desire thought leadership and conscious leadership strategy, along with intuitive development and win-win outcomes.  The curriculum supports development of higher consciousness, the new currency for success.

This mastermind is a comprehensive model for pursuing purpose through higher consciousness and intuitively guided decision making.  It creates the visioning, thinking, and actions required for thriving in our changing environment. Additionally, the one-to-one conscious leadership based coaching and accountability supports accelerated results and transformation in business, life and impact.

Business Growth Acceleration Mastermind is an optimal fit if you:

  • Expect accelerated transformation 
  • Envision sustainable impact, seven plus figure revenues
  • Thrive with win-win thinking and action 
  • Value intuitive, higher consciousness development 
  • Seek optimal expression of your purpose
  • Demand freedom and personal sovereignty
  • Appreciate support and accountability

Business Growth Acceleration Mastermind Highlights

Next Group Begins Jan 2025:

  • 12 Month Program

  • Apply Now in Link Below 

Group Mastermind Sessions:

  • 6 Monthly Group Sessions
  • Programming for Higher Brain, Intuitive Development
  • Curriculum support including books, videos, podcasts and other resources

Monthly Individual Coaching:

  • 6 Monthly One-on-One Sessions
  • Customized Business Acceleration Strategies 
  • Higher Consciousness Development
  • Neuro Reprogramming for Optimal Mindset
  • Health Optimization Program-Mental, Emotional, Physical 
  • VIP Acces to Nancy
  • Flexible Scheduling

"With Nancy, I gained huge shifts in financial abundance, freedom and goal clarity. I have studied personal development all my life and have never experienced these kinds of achievements."

— Tara Peyerl, Sales Executive

Transformation Blueprint Coaching Seven Principles of Evolution and Manifesting-Online Program with Coaching logo

Conscious Leadership Transforms Workshop

Growth Through Conscious Leadership Principals

~Live Group Coaching~

Our changing environment requires a change in how we lead ourselves and our teams. Understanding and applying the principles of conscious leadership will create sovereign leaders and sustainable growth for you and your organization.

This workshop is designed for leaders in small business, larger organizations, and other professionals who want to increase leadership impact and thrive in the new environment.  And leverage these principles, including higher consciousness, to lead themselves and others to optimal outcomes.

Our ability to lead intentionally and impactfully is directly related to our level of consciousness.

This live training has eight modules, each one integrating the elements of the model through teachings, group interactions and experiences. Participating in this transformative program will set the foundation for ongoing development of higher consciousness and activate the Conscious Leadership Model into their work and life.

This Workshop Includes

Eight Consecutive Weeks
Next Group Begins Wednesdays

 Sept. 18- Nov. 6, 2024

Two-Hour Sessions
4pm - 6pm CST / 5pm - 7pm EST

Virtual Meetings
Recorded Sessions on Zoom

The Conscious Leadership Transforms Workshop can be brought in-house for a customized program.

Karina Muller, Client Centric Coaching & Consulting

“Nancy is a gifted coach who helps her clients live in a state of joy by tapping into their truth. She has helped me remove any obstacles in my path, and provides practical guidance, deep insights and positivity.”

 -Karina Muller, Client Centric Coaching & Consulting