Create Your Foundation

Intuitive Development

We are intuitive beings who are much more powerful than what we have been led to believe. Learning to develop your intuition and trust yourself is life-changing. As we move into these transformational times on our planet, developing your intuitive guidance has never been more relevant. This is particularly important in this new era.

Learn to develop and deepen your intuitive skills with the support of a skilled teacher and an inspiring community.

Lotus flower candle

Intuitive Development I

Connect to Your Inner Guidance

Begins January 17, 2025 

We are all a part of and connected to the universal field, where information is accessible beyond our human understanding. Learn to connect with your Higher Self and tap into the universal energies available to help guide your life much more effectively than by using experience or analytical thinking alone.

Using your intuitive guidance consistently allows you to move away from fear for decision making, feel more creative and secure in your solutions, and know you have the most optimal information in the moment. Combining your intuition with your current knowledge and experience empowers you to the highest level.

Our experiential design teaches you a variety of intuitive approaches so you can explore which techniques work best for you. These classes connect you to your intuitive gifts and are foundational to expanding your energetic healing abilities.

Develop Your Intuition

In this series of three classes, you will learn how to connect to your intuitive abilities and listen to the insights provided by your Higher Self and guides. Discover how you access information–see, feel, hear, or know–and learn to trust your inner guidance.

Each class is designed to open and expand your intuition as you experience different techniques. Build a strong and ethical foundation for using intuitive skills for their highest good. You’ll learn different practices you can apply outside of the classes to keep developing your skills:

  • Discover your intuitive style and learn how to trust your inner guidance.
  • Strengthen your intuitive abilities by connecting to your Higher Self.
  • Use your intuition to guide your decisions and feel more confident.
  • Learn to answer questions and read someone’s energy field “on demand”.

The Three Classes Cover the Following Topics

Connecting with Your Higher Self - Learn how to tap into your Higher Self and answer “yes” and “no” questions by understanding your style of intuition.
Receiving and Interpreting Impressions - Learn how to intuitively receive information by reading energetic fields–people, environments.
Psychometry - Learn how to read the energy of objects which can help you understand how this energy affects your environment.
Answering Questions On-Demand - Learn how to answer questions for your classmates so you feel comfortable answering questions “on-demand.”
Mastering Answering Questions - Strengthen your ability to intuitively answer questions “on-demand” and trust the information you receive.

Class Schedule

Fridays 12pm-3:30 pm CST

January 17, 24, 31, 2025  


Class: $375

Materials: $25

Manual given upon registering


Online via Zoom

image of a votive candle on a floor

Intuitive Development II

Expanding Your Connection

Begins February  7, 2025 

In this series of classes, you will learn advanced intuitive skills that prepare you for working with yourself, your family and friends, and clients. Each class is designed to open and expand your intuition as you experience different techniques.

Deepen Your Intuition

We will explore a range of techniques and practices to help you expand your intuitive skills.

  • Read the chakras to understand which issues need to be transformed and which gifts can be integrated.
  • Read the energy field and answer questions for someone who is not in the room with you.
  • Communicate with those who have passed on and cross them over, if needed.
  • Identify past and simultaneous lifetimes and learn how to work with them.
  • Receive a message or gift from your Higher Self and spirit guides.

The Classes Cover the Following Topics

Answering Questions - Answering questions “on-demand” is an important skill so we will continue to practice mastering this skill.
Connecting with People Long-Distance - Learn how to call in the Higher Self of someone, who is not in the room with you, so you can give them the answers they need.
Communicate with Deceased Loved Ones - Learn how to contact and communicate with deceased loved ones.
Past Lives - Learn how to pinpoint past lives and read how they affect your current life. You will identify whether they have crossed over and, if not, help them do so.
Simultaneous Lifetimes - Learn how to pinpoint and read simultaneous lifetimes and how they affect your current lifetime.
Reading the Chakras - Learn how to read the chakra system and identify whatever is most optimal for you to know as well as see what messages they hold for yourself and others.
Connecting to Your Higher Self & Spirit Guides - Learn how to connect to your HS and spirit guides to receive messages and gifts for yourself and others.

The prerequisite to register: Intuitive Development I – Develop Your Intuition 

Class Schedule

Fridays, 12pm-3:30pm CST

February 7, 14, 21, 28, 2025 


Class: $475

Materials: $25

Manual given upon registering


Online via Zoom

White star of david in a living room

Creating Sacred Spaces

For Protection In All Environments

Our physical spaces and the land they are built upon have natural and accumulated energies that can disturb our well-being. This class teaches you how to clear and set energies of protection around your home, office, or property using two Star of David energetic grid techniques.

Learn how to intentionally create environments that feel more supportive and harmonious, so you can feel and be at your best. Then apply the techniques you learn when you travel, work in new spaces, or to help your family and friends create supportive environments.

This workshop teaches you two simple clearing techniques that release negative energies from your environment and elevate it into a space that feels protected and harmonious.

The Star of David is known for bringing heaven on earth. The traditional Star of David clearing grid using stones will be taught, along with a new Star of David grid called, “The Encrypted Star of David.” These two systems act as an automatic clearing process once they are established.

There are many benefits to learning and implementing this system in your home, property, and workspace; you can also use these techniques to support your family, friends, and clients.

  • Easier to focus with crisp, clear energy.
  • A greater sense of well-being as negative emotions are continually transformed.
  • Intentionally call supportive energies into in your home, workspace, and property.

You will learn two important Star of David perpetual clearing systems.

Star of David - Energetic Grid

You will learn to create an “Encrypted Star of David” perpetual clearing system. This system is placed under your home or workplace to bring in transformational energies to your space and the earth.

Star of David - Cyrstal Grid

You will learn the traditional Star of David that is installed using pebble sized stones. This perpetual clearing system uses a picture of your home or workplace. This picture is used as a witness, within the space, to clear the entire home or workplace.

The prerequisites to register: Intuitive Development I and II

Class Schedule

Friday, March 7, 2025: 12pm - 4PM CST


Class: $175

Materials: $50

Manual given upon registering


Online via Zoom