We are all connected and affect one another on an energetic level through the collective consciousness – a unifying energy field that surrounds all of us. Learn to disconnect from the heavier collective energies and raise your vibration to a higher level.
Disconnection from the Collective Shadow and Cellular Activation
Deactivate the Lower Collective Consciousness
The Disconnection from the Collective Shadow (DCS) and Cellular Activation course teaches you how to disengage from the heavier issues, patterns, limiting-beliefs and problems that affect humanity through the collective consciousness.
This 2-day workshop connects you to your soul's purpose by activating your highest perspectives and potential, so that you can manifest your most expanded expression of self! Experience how much lighter and happier you can feel as you raise your vibration. Join us for a two-day course where you’ll learn and experience Disconnection from the Collective Shadow (DCS) and Cellular Activation.
Day1-Disconnection from the Collective Shadow
What we will focus on:
- Our multidimensional nature and vibratory states
- Moving from polarity to oneness
- Our energy fields and chakras
- Personal energetic upgrades
- Three-part heart release that disconnects us from the collective shadow
Day 2 Cellular Activation
What we will focus on:
- Three phase Cellular Activation Process
- Phase 1 - Restructure our Etheric Body so that our physical bodies can hold more light and a higher vibration
- Phase 2 - Restructure our Auric Grid so that we are able to attract from our Higher Selves
- Phase 3 - Bring in & energetically align with the higher dimensional Master Energies, so that we can hold those energies mentally, emotionally & physically
- Rewire our chakra system
Prerequisites to register: Intuitive Development I & II, and Creating Sacred Space
Upcoming Class Schedule Details
Dates: Sept 6th and 7th
Time:4-9pm cst both days
Location: Online via zoom (will be recorded)
Pricing: Class $450; Manual- $100 for the Manual, to be given up on registering. (Register early- a minimum number of participants are required to hold the class)
Ancestral and Other Lifetimes Healing Techniques
Transformative Energetic Healing
We are all Divine Beings having a human experience! Learn transformational energy healing techniques to help yourself and others feel this truth within. Transform the past by working through the issue and patterns rooted in your ancestry and the many lifetimes you've been in.
Your current life has much more going on than what you can see with your physical eyes. You have many invisible undercurrents that affect how you’re feeling and experiencing your life. Learn transformational techniques that energetically neutralize any unhelpful patterns so you feel lighter and happier. These invisible undercurrents include issues, patterns, beliefs, memories, emotions and behaviors within your ancestry, past lives, simultaneous lifetimes and the collective. You will experience how we are all interconnected through the positive changes you see for yourself and your loved ones.
This workshop will help you learn many energetic skills as you heal your current lifetime, your ancestry, other lifetimes and the collective.
We will focus on:
- Understanding the role of “lesson givers” and support systems in your life
- Energetically healing your personal life
- Energetically healing your ancestry
- Resolving past lives
- Transforming simultaneous/parallel lifetimes
- Activating and accessing your Divine Self
Prerequisites to register: Intuitive Development I & II, and Creating Sacred Space; Level II Disconnection from the Collective Shadow and Cellular Activation
Upcoming Class Schedule Details
Dates: Sept 27th- Nov 15th 2023, 8 consecutive Wednesdays
Time: 4-7pm cst
Location: Online via zoom (will be recorded)
Pricing: Class $825; Manual - $124 Manual; 5 audios @ $8.99. (Register early- a minimum number of participants are required to hold the class)
Elevate Your Practice
Work with a certified teacher, in a small group setting, to receive the attention you need to fine-tune the skills learned in Level I and Level II. This mentoring program deepens and expands your skills so you can more effectively lead energetic work for yourself, your family, and your clients. The mentoring program also prepares you for Level III which begins to elevate your energetic healing skills toward the level of mastery.
Prerequisites to register: Completing Intuitive Development I & II, Disconnection from the Collective Shadow/Cellular activation (DCS/CA) and Ancestral & Other Lifetimes (AOL).
Upcoming Class Schedule Details
Dates: Fall, 2023
Time: TBD
Location: Online via zoom (will be recorded)
Pricing: There are 8 mentoring sessions at $100 per class. Total cost for group training is $800